- Wang, C. H., Wu, K. C., & Jiang, W. T. (2023). Web-based drawing for students with different learning styles and cognitive abilities. Education and Information Technologies, 1-31. (EAIT期刊) (SSCI /Q1)
- Wang, C. H., Wu, K. C., & Tsau, S. Y. (2019). Flow learning experience: Applying marketing theory to serious game design. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(2), 417-447. (JECR期刊) (SSCI /Q1)
- Wang, C. H., & Wu, K. C. (2022, December). A preliminary study on interdisciplinary programming learning based on cloud computing low-code development platform. In 2022 International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. (IEEE研討會)
- Wang, C. H., & Wu, K. C. (2023). Transdisciplinary Learning Based on Problem Identification of Design Computational Thinking-A Case Study of the Topic of Marine Debris. Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(1), 16-23. (ICMRP研討會轉JARSSH期刊)
- Wang, C. H., & Wu, K. C. (2022). Interdisciplinary Learning of Low-Code Development Platform Programming with Dual Coding Theory-A Case Study of Agilepoint NX. Journal of ICT, Design, Engineering and Technological Science, 21-25. (ICMRP研討會轉JITDETS期刊)
- Wang, C. H., & Wu, K. C. (2022). Interdisciplinary Collaborative Learning with Modular Programming and Information Visualization of Urban Smart Spaces. Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research, 8(1): 24-32. (ICMRP研討會轉JATER期刊)
- Wu, K. C., & Wang, C. H. (2019). Design thinking learner's imagination in design computational thinking course learning outcomes. The 2nd international conference on global challenges of traditional education and distance learning: reflections and concerns (TEDLR-2019), Taipei, 2019/05/16 (TEDLR研討會)
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- 科技部_智慧環境空間計畫 (2019-2021 兩年期)
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- 資策會_銀髮智玩課程與案例設計服務 (2018)
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