
【狂賀】楊朝明老師、商耀元老師、朱賢哲老師指導學生參加「2024 DNA Paris Design Awards」榮獲首獎(Winner)、5件榮譽獎(Honorable Mention)!

最後更新日期 : 2024-07-08

【狂賀】楊朝明老師、商耀元老師、朱賢哲老師指導學生參加「2024 DNA Paris Design Awards」榮獲首獎(Winner)、5件榮譽獎(Honorable Mention)!

【Congratulations】Prof. Chao-Ming Yang,Teacher Shang Yao-Yuan and Zhu Xian-zhe guided students to participate in the “2024 DNA Paris Design Awards” won 1st place,and five Honorable Mention




  • 作品:鐵居所 INKPRESSION

  • 創作者:昌妤洵 、周芷伃 、許蕾、蔡佳容

  • 指導老師:商耀元

  • 「2024 DNA Paris Awards (2024巴黎DNA設計大賽)」榮獲Graphic Design/Packaging - Winner(首獎) 及 Communication design - Honorable Mention(榮譽獎)


  • Work:Taiwan Iron Sheet Houses


  • Instructor:Teacher Shang Yao-Yuan

  • Participate:" 2024 DNA Paris Awards " received Graphic Design/Packaging - Winner & Communication design - Honorable Mention


【獲獎作品】[Award-Winning Work]


【設計理念】(Graphic Design/Packaging)


Design concept:

Buildings are one of the elements that make up the living environment, and stamping is like an iron sheet house,
leaving a unique imprint in daily life. Therefore, we used Taiwanese cityscape as the basis and combined local architectural features with creativity to create a Taiwanese cityscape font stamp set.
The ink pads of the set are also integrated into the geometric elements of iron sheet houses, streets, and blocks, giving the overall packaging has the image of overlooking the city of Taiwan.

【設計理念】(Communication design)


Design concept:

Buildings constitute our living environment and provide traces of people's habits.
Based on Taiwanese cityscape, we combined local architectural features with creativity to create a series of cultural and creative peripherals.
In addition to transforming iron sheets into brand core elements, it also provides viewers with a different perspective on our city appearance and brings a new impression of iron sheets.


  • 作品:添肌不可洩漏 Mighty Buddies

  • 創作者:何玉霞、徐詩媛、鄭逸凡、蕭安婕、廖柏彥

  • 指導老師:商耀元

  • 「2024 DNA Paris Awards (2024巴黎DNA設計大賽)」榮獲Communication design - Honorable Mention(榮譽獎)


  • Work:Mighty Buddies

  • Creators:Ho, Yu-Shia、Hsu, Shih-Yuan、Cheng, I-Fan、Hsiao, An-Chieh、Liao, Bo-Yan

  • Instructor:Teacher Shang Yao-Yuan

  • Participate:" 2024 DNA Paris Awards " received Communication design - Honorable Mention


【獲獎作品】[Award-Winning Work]




Design concept:

Taiwan entered an aging society in 2008, with individuals aged 65 and above classified as elderly by the WHO.
Investigation revealed challenges like difficulty standing, increased fall risk, and declining physical strength due to muscle health issues.
Sarcopenia, characterized by age-related muscle loss, emerged as a concern. Teaching materials on sarcopenia are limited in Taiwan.
Our team dynamically educates middle-aged and elderly individuals about sarcopenia, emphasizing early recognition and preventive measures, fostering physical well-being among our audience.


  • 作品:鐵窗銀花

  • 創作者:陳昕、陳怡璇、陳郁婷、黃郁婷

  • 指導老師:楊朝明

  • 「2024 DNA Paris Awards (2024巴黎DNA設計大賽)」榮獲Communication design - Honorable Mention(榮譽獎)


  • Work:Iron Window Griles of Sparkle

  • Creators:Sin, Chen、Yi-Xuan, Chen、Yu-Ting, Chen、Yu-Ting, Huang

  • Instructor:Prof. Chao-Ming Yang

  • Participate:" 2024 DNA Paris Awards " received Communication design - Honorable Mention


【獲獎作品】[Award-Winning Work]




Design concept:

Walking through the alleys of Taiwan, the scenery behind each "iron window grille" tells its own story and memories.
Having been passed down to this day through the craftsmanship of artisans, it is dazzling and moving.
Through this project , we are hoping to recreate the beauty and creativity of the grille pattern and continue to pass down the grille that moved us.


  • 作品:不止十四天

  • 創作者:謝亞真、林秦宇、蘇靖琦、駱穎臻

  • 指導老師:楊朝明

  • 「2024 DNA Paris Awards (2024巴黎DNA設計大賽)」榮獲Communication design - Honorable Mention(榮譽獎)


  • Work:Beyond Fourteen Days

  • Creators:Ya-Zhen,Hsieh、Qin-Yu,Lin、Jing-Chi,Su、Ying-Chen,Lo

  • Instructor:Prof. Chao-Ming Yang

  • Participate:" 2024 DNA Paris Awards " received Communication design - Honorable Mention


【獲獎作品】[Award-Winning Work]




Design concept:

Nature conservation and environmental protection are global priorities, Taiwan, known as the Kingdom of Butterflies,
is deeply involved. Using the SDGs, especially Goal 15 for terrestrial ecosystem conservation, we address butterfly challenges.
Through "thermochromic ink," symbolizing their climate sensitivity, we raise awareness of their plight.
Our pop-up book and website deepen understanding and engagement in butterfly conservation and environmental stewardship.


  • 作品:草影誌

  • 創作者:林文茵、邱若芸、邱韻瑄、張容容、陳君羽

  • 指導老師:朱賢哲

  • 「2024 DNA Paris Awards (2024巴黎DNA設計大賽)」榮獲Communication design - Honorable Mention(榮譽獎)


  • Work:Weeds Chronicle

  • Creators:Lin,Wen-Yin、Chiu,Ruo-Yun、Chiu,Yun-Xuan、Chang,Jung-Jung、Chen,Chun-Yu

  • Instructor:Teacher Zhu Xian-zhe

  • Participate:" 2024 DNA Paris Awards " received Communication design - Honorable Mention


【獲獎作品】[Award-Winning Work]




Design concept:

"Weeds Chronicle" uncovers the stories and values of weeds in Taiwan's cities, some of which provide both accessible food and stability in availability.
In line with the second SDG goal, the consumption of weeds can combat hunger and promote sustainable agriculture.
Historically, wild herbs have been used for healing, as documented in works such as Li Shizhen's 'Compendium of Materia Medica'.
Our project includes an illustrated booklet and gift box that showcase the edible and medicinal qualities of weeds, aiming to change their negative perception and promote sustainable use.