
【狂賀】朱賢哲老師、商耀元老師指導學生參加「美國傳達藝術年度獎 (Communication Arts, California, USA)」榮獲 Design Shortlist 共3件!

最後更新日期 : 2024-07-05
📣【狂賀】朱賢哲老師、商耀元老師指導學生參加「美國傳達藝術年度獎 (Communication Arts, California, USA)」榮獲 Design Shortlist 共3件!
📣【Congratulations】Teacher Zhu Xian-zhe and Shang Yao-Yuan guided students to participate in the "Communication Arts, California, USA" and won the three Design Shortlist Awards


  • 作品:草影誌 Weeds Chronicle
  • 創作者:林文茵、邱若芸、邱韻瑄、張容容、陳君羽

  • 指導老師:朱賢哲 老師
  • 美國傳達藝術年度獎榮獲 Design Shortlist








[Awarded Achievement]

  • Work:Weeds Chronicle

  • Creators:Lin,Wen-YinChiu,Ruo-YunChiu,Yun-XuanChang,Jung-JungChen,Chun-Yu

  • Supervising Teacher:Zhu Xian-zhe

  • Awarded Design Shortlist at the Communication Arts, California, USA


[Creative Concept]

“Seemingly fragile plants have many unrevealed stories.”

Weeds Chronicle is an in-depth study of Taiwan's urban weeds, revealing the hidden stories and values of these plants.

Through the stories of weeds, people will realize that in human history, they have been the solution to wars and disasters.

In human history, they have been a life-saving remedy for famine during wars and disasters.

We hope that Weeds Chronicle will contribute to food security.



【獲獎作品】[Award-Winning Works]


  • 作品:閾限 Liminality
  • 創作者:陸韋杉 Lu,Wei-Shan、張怡婷 Chang,Yi-Ting、萬怡瑄 Wan,Yi-Hsuan、廖嘉文 Liao,Jia-Wen、林珮綺 Lin,Pei-Chi

  • 指導老師:朱賢哲 老師 Teacher Zhu Xian-zhe
  • 美國傳達藝術年度獎榮獲 Design Shortlist







[Awarded Achievement]

  • Work:Liminality

  • Creators:Lu,Wei-ShanChang,Yi-TingWan,Yi-Hsuan Liao,Jia-WenLin,Pei-Chi

  • Supervising Teacher:Zhu Xian-zhe

  • Awarded Design Shortlist at the Communication Arts, California, USA

[Creative Concept]

Liminality is a disintegration of perception and thought, but also regeneration.”

During the period of Liminality, the mind rethinks, reconceptualizes, and reestablishes a new order and perspective.

The mind is in a state of disintegration and reassembly. Although we are constantly undergoing a process of re-shifting, this process also allows us to construct a new self.

This concept is consistent with the theme of the graduation exhibition, inviting the viewers to join the journey of rebirth.


【獲獎作品】[Award-Winning Works]


  • 作品:鐵居所 INKPRESSION
  • 創作者:昌妤洵Chang,Yu-Hsun、周芷伃Chou, Chih-Yu、許蕾Hsu, Lei、蔡佳容Tsai,Jia-Rueng

  • 指導老師:商耀元 老師
  • 美國傳達藝術年度獎榮獲 Design Shortlist






[Awarded Achievement]


  • Creators:Chang,Yu-HsunChou, Chih-YuHsu, Lei Tsai,Jia-Rueng

  • Supervising Teacher:Shang, Yao-Yuan

  • Awarded Design Shortlist at the Communication Arts, California, USA

[Creative Concept]

Buildings make up our living environment, and they are also the traces of people's habits.

Based on the cityscape of Taiwan, INKPRESSION combines local architectural features with creativity to create a series of cultural and creative peripherals.

In addition to transforming tin into a core element of the brand, it also allows viewers to look at our cityscape from a different perspective.


【獲獎作品】[Award-Winning Works]
